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Application areas for Human Centric Lighting

Human-centric lighting has a wide variety of applications and every solution needs to be tailored to the specific needs of the client.



Learn more about how HCL can be used in different applications and how you can benefit:


  Education  |  Office  |  Healthcare  |  Industry  


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Improved learning



Schools can benefit from Human Centric Lighting (HCL) in several ways. This type of lighting can not only be used to stimulate the circadian rhythms of pupils and staff, but also to improve alertness during tests and high focus tasks. With biologically optimised lighting systems in educational environments, natural lighting conditions can be achieved more effectively.


A human-centric lighting solution can enhance performance in schools. For instance, the right light in the morning, with the sufficient brightness and blue wavelength content, can help students wake up and stay alert and focused throughout the school day. Conversely, a teacher can switch on an intense, cool white light during high focus activities and a warm white, dimmed light for relaxation and group talks. Whether you are a teacher or student, Glamox HCL lets you see your school in a different light.


Glamox has extensive experience in equipping schools and educational institutions with tailored human-centric lighting solutions. Benefit from our expertise, contact us today to get started with Human Centric Lighting.


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You sleep better

Lighting systems that provide light with a higher intensity and colour temperature at the right time during the day can improve the duration and quality of sleep and impact learning results in a positive way.

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You perform better

During the early morning hours, the right light can reduce feelings of sleepiness and make it easier to concentrate. A better light environment can also improve alertness and concentration during classes.

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You feel better

The possibility to adjust the light to educational settings contributes to increased wellbeing for students and staff. Simply put, it’s about providing the right light at the right time.

Research based knowledge

Human centric lighting is a field of research in rapid development, and we at Glamox seek to increase our insight accordingly. Glamox HCL solutions are based on the latest research and standards available, we are collaborating with a number of external research institutions, and support and contribute to a number of studies.



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Improve your workday


Humans spend most of their time awake indoors, especially during the wintertime. That makes office areas excellent places to implement Human Centric Lighting solutions.


Reports from workplaces and offices show that a boost in both energy and motivation can be observed after installing solutions with HCL technologies, in addition to an increase in the overall wellbeing of the staff.


Stay focused

Research shows that, in addition to providing sufficient lighting for carrying out work-related visual tasks, workplace lighting can affect employee alertness, mood, cognition, sleep-wake pattern and overall wellbeing. The timing, duration and spectral composition of the light exposure all play important roles in these non-image forming effects. Moreover, research has shown that these effects may also depend on the environmental context, type of activity, personal characteristics and employees’ momentary level of fatigue.


Glamox has extensive experience in equipping all kinds of offices with tailored human-centric lighting solutions, as well as creating work environments that put an extra spring into your step. Benefit from our expertise, contact us today to get started with Human Centric Lighting.


Glamox HCL products and solutions are WELL Building Standard™-compliant.


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You sleep better

Exposure to intensive cool white light during the daytime may have a positive effect on office workers’ sleep during the subsequent night.

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You perform better

Light settings can influence employee appraisals of the office lighting and working environment. There can be substantial variations in preferred light settings. Individual lighting control could therefore affect job satisfaction positively.

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You feel better

Exposure to more intense light may boost employees’ feelings of alertness and vitality during daytime and at night. Human-centric lighting may also have a positive effect on people’s moods and sense of wellbeing, especially in regions with little access to sunlight during the winter months.

Research based knowledge

Human centric lighting is a field of research in rapid development, and we at Glamox seek to increase our insight accordingly. Glamox HCL solutions are based on the latest research and standards available, we are collaborating with a number of external research institutions, and support and contribute to a number of studies.



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Improved healthcare


Healthcare environments are perfect for implementing lighting cycles with sunrise, sunset and daylight simulations, as their residents are permanently based in these facilities.


The effects on patients or residents can include higher activity levels during the daytime, better sleep at night, and shorter recovery times.


In hospitals and elderly care centres, residents often suffer from decreased access to daylight due to illness or mobility issues. Spending prolonged amounts of time indoors can also disrupt sleep patterns, especially during the wintertime. Patients with dementia and other cognitive illnesses are particularly vulnerable to lacking daylight. Glamox HCL technologies improve these conditions by restoring the patients’ natural circadian rhythm.


Applications in healthcare

For elderly patients

In the winter months in particular, many elderly people suffer from insufficient daylight exposure. This not only has negative consequences for their circadian rhythm, but also impairs their cognitive skills. A human-centric lighting solution can compensate for insufficient daylight exposure and help stabilise the residents’ circadian rhythm. This may lead to more restorative sleep and ultimately improve the mental and emotional condition, i.e. wellbeing of the residents. The lighting may also positively affect agitation.


In psychiatric institutions

Research shows that eliminating the blue components in light can have a positive effect on certain groups of psychiatric patients by mitigating symptoms such as manic episodes. Researchers and doctors are therefore investigating whether light with no content of blue wavelengths (with a blue light block) can be used in the treatment of these patients.


In hospitals

HCL technologies can make up for lacking exposure to natural lighting effects, supporting the patients’ biological rhythms. Those effects on patients or residents can include better sleep at night and shorter recovery times. Dimmed warmed light before sleep can aid the patients’ melatonin production, promoting sleep onset.


In operating theatres

The use of coloured light can be beneficial for surgeons who rely on monitors during surgery (e.g. endoscopic procedures). Ergonomic lighting in the form of dynamic blue or green light in the field of view is used to enhance contrasts on the monitors. This, in turn, reduces the eye strain for the surgeons. Human-centric lighting may also be used to create a relaxing environment for patients before or after surgery.


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You sleep better

HCL can stabilise the circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality, HCL can reduce the need for sleep-inducing drugs.

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You perform better

HCL can improve the cognitive skills of patients and staff. HCL can free up personnel, as residents experience activity and resting phases at the right times. HCL can improve visual working conditions for surgeons who rely on monitors during surgery.

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You feel better

HCL can improve the emotional and physical wellbeing of patients and staff as a result of restful nights. HCL can play a role in preventing mood fluctuations and depression.

Research based knowledge

Human centric lighting is a field of research in rapid development, and we at Glamox seek to increase our insight accordingly. Glamox HCL solutions are based on the latest research and standards available, we are collaborating with a number of external research institutions, and support and contribute to a number of studies.


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Improved performance



Lighting installations with higher light intensity and Tuneable White light may increase performance and reduce fatigue, errors and accidents.


Many industries require high levels of concentration among their workers, who often operate powerful machinery and heavy equipment. Higher light intensity combined with the right light colour spectrum and careful timing of the various lighting settings may lead to higher alertness levels among industrial workers. This results in less fatigue, which, again, can reduce the number of errors made.


Human-centric lighting may also have a positive effect on the mood and sense of wellbeing of individuals, especially in regions with limited sunlight during the winter months.


HCL for shift workers

Night shift lighting requires careful consideration of the desired effect. To increase alertness and reduce the risk of errors at the end of the night shift, we recommend exposure to cool white light with high intensity during the last hours of the night shift. This can be combined with individually controlled cool white light “showers” every hour during the second half of the shift.


For shift workers working more than four nights in a row, light may be used to phase-shift the circadian rhythm, thus facilitating the adaptation to night work. Individual settings and personal control are important when installing HCL solutions for shift workers.


We have worked alongside our partners to deliver tailored human-centric lighting solutions to industry facilities. Benefit from our expertise, contact us today to get started with Human Centric Lighting


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You sleep better

HCL can stabilise the circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality.

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You perform better

HCL may reduce fatigue and increase production output. HCL may improve alertness and reduce the risk of errors and accidents.

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You feel better

For shift workers, exposure to more intense light may boost employees’ feelings of alertness and vitality during daytime and at night.

Research based knowledge

Human centric lighting is a field of research in rapid development, and we at Glamox seek to increase our insight accordingly. Glamox HCL solutions are based on the latest research and standards available, we are collaborating with a number of external research institutions, and support and contribute to a number of studies.