High quality and industrial long life luminaire for chemical environments
Glamox i55 is an impact-resistant and chemical resistant IP66/67 luminaire with diffuser in 5 mm tempered safety glass. The luminaire is very well suited for most chemical environments and is ideal for use in car washes, grease pits and chemical industry. Comes with stainless steel safety wire, easy installation and maintenance.
The luminaire housing is manufactured in Aluzink or acid-proof steel with white epoxy/polyester powder coated finish. Alternatively in unpainted acid-proof steel.
Important information
Please note that a mixture of chemicals can be very aggressive and destructive to the luminaire housing even when each individual chemical doesn’t pose a problem. It is therefore important to choose the right type of material for the luminaire housing. In case of doubt, please contact Glamox.
For car washes were acid based cleaners are used, you have to select a luminaire housing in acid-proof steel.
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